Restaurants near Beaver Works

There are many options in the surrounding area if you are looking for a quick bite or would like a gourmet meal. 

For a quick bite look for:

Al's Cafe(476 ft. from Beaver Works)
600 Technology Square
(617) 621-1111
Lunch only
Sebastian’s (0.3M from Beaver Works)
7 Cambridge Center
Cambridge Brewing Co (0.2M from Beaver Works)
1 Kendall Square

For a sit down meal (some of these offer take out as well) try these local favorites:

Area Four (310 ft. from Beaver Works)
500 Technology Square
Catalyst Restaurant (113 ft. from Beaver Works)
300 Technology Square
State Park (0.2M from Beaver Works)
1 Kendall Square
(617) 848-4355
Legal Sea Foods (0.2M from Beaver Works)
5 Cambridge Center